Corinna Gosmaro
03.10.2020 – 04.12.2020
Exhibition Views
CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, installation view at The Gallery Apart Rome (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni
Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Ab Joy, 2020, mixed media on paper, 50 x 70 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, mountain climbing ropes, wire brushes, 270 x 90 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, handrail, oxidized brass, ca 200 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (rope ladder), 2020, rope and oxidized brass handrails, variable dimension, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (rope ladder), 2020, detail, photo by GIorgio Benni Rendez-vous (rope ladder), 2020, detail, photo by GIorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, handrail, oxidized brass, ca 200 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, mountain climbing ropes, wire brushes, 300 x 90 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, mountain climbing ropes, wire brushes, 280 x 76 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni CHUTZPAH!, 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni Occhioni miei, 2020, mixed media, 7 x 17 x 6 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Occhioni miei, 2020, mixed media, 7 x 17 x 6 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Occhioni miei, 2020, mixed media, 7 x 17 x 6 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, handrail, oxidized brass, ca 200 cm, photo by Giorgio Benni Rendez-vous (corrimano), 2020, detail, photo by Giorgio Benni
The Gallery Apart is proud to present CHUTZPAH!, the second solo show by Corinna Gosmaro hosted in the gallery spaces. The artist, who is currently in residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, from next January will be a residential guestat the American Academy in Rome as the recipient of the Italian Fellowship in Visual Arts.
The exhibition is in continuity with the creative journey embarked on by the artist since the beginning, when her pictorial works on industrial filters intended to generate landscapes as an attempt to blend perception, cognition, memory and emotional resonances.
To Corinna Gosmaro, time and places are elements free from any chronological or geographical linearity. They are indeed pieces of knowledge that can be exploited to investigate archetypes: images, shapes or objects representative of the fundamental creative moments in the history of humanity.
The search for the archetype is not aimed only at the creation of the work of art, but rather, the latter is the final result of a transversal process for the identification of a possible behavioural matrix.
A method of thinking and working that draws inspiration from neuroscience that explores the correlation between memory and imagination in terms of chronesthesia or mental time travelling – that is the capacity to mentally reconstruct past personal experience as well as to imagine possible scenarios in the future.
Gosmaro is interested in combining in an organic way the inputs from the mnemonic processes with the suggestions unleashed by imagination, thus emphasizing a state of mind, even more than a conceptual path, and triggering a sort of psychophysical condition that the artist defines by the word CHUTZPAH. Although the original etymology of this Yiddish word meant “impudence” or “insolence”, over the years it has taken on a broader semantic value, referring to “the quality of audacity, for good or for bad”, such as courage, ardour, mettle.
In conceiving the exhibition, Gosmaro has associated the concept of CHUTZPAH to the Baudelairean idea of spontaneity as the rapidly intuitive outcome of knowledge and intelligence. Baudelaire’s thinking shows a strong affinity with the modern debates as it envisages the union of the associative power of the imagination with the capacity of devising something new based on the mass of materials accumulated and stored by memory. Artists are mental time travellers; they add value to imagination and to the possible through the true and the real.
The works on display seek to embody the exaltation of the creative act and the intrinsically impertinent power of each work. The staircase becomes a metaphor for ascension and descension of the thought, but its shape emphasizes the non-linearity of the movements of the human soul. The handrails are reminiscences of the mental scaffoldings that move on different and transversal temporal planes; a deviation between past, present and future, oblivious of the temporal dimension as well as of a linear direction. The drawings and the zoomorphic rope sculptures introduce an animalistic dimension that evokes the foundations of an evolutionary vision in a global perspective, not only of the cultural history of the human species.
The Gallery Apart è orgogliosa di presentare CHUTZPAH!, la seconda personale in galleria di Corinna Gosmaro, artista attualmente in residenza alla Cité Internationale des Arts di Parigi e che dal prossimo mese di gennaio sarà ospite dell’American Academy in Rome quale Italian Fellowship for Visual Art.
La mostra si pone in continuità con il percorso seguito dall’artista fin dagli esordi, da quando cioè i suoi interventi pittorici su filtri industriali intendevano generare paesaggi come tentativo di fusione tra percezione, cognizione, memoria e risonanze emotive.
Per Corinna Gosmaro, tempi e luoghi sono elementi privi di una necessaria linearità cronologica o geografica. Sono piuttosto tasselli di conoscenza che possono essere impiegati per indagare gli archetipi: immagini, forme e oggetti rappresentativi di momenti creativi fondamentali nella storia del genere umano.
La ricerca dell’archetipo non è finalizzata soltanto alla creazione dell’opera d’arte, questa è semmai il risultato finale di un processo trasversale, volto all’individuazione di una possibile matrice comportamentale.
Una metodologia di pensiero e di lavoro che trova ispirazione nell’ambito delle neuroscienze, dove si esplora la correlazione tra memoria e immaginazione in termini di chronesthesia o mental time travelling – ovvero la capacità di ricostruire mentalmente eventi personali dal passato insieme a quella di immaginare possibili scenari futuri.
A Gosmaro interessa comporre in modo organico gli stimoli provenienti dai processi mnemonici assieme alle suggestioni scaturite dall’immaginazione, enfatizzando così uno stato d’animo, prima ancora che un percorso concettuale, e attivando una sorta di condizione psicofisica che definisce ricorrendo al termine CHUTZPAH. Se l’etimologia originaria di questo termine Yiddish significa “impertinenza” o “insolenza”, il lemma, nel tempo, si è arricchito di un valore semantico più largo che fa riferimento alle “qualità dell’audacia, per il bene o per il male”, come coraggio, ardore, tempra.
Per la concezione della mostra, Gosmaro associa il CHUTZPAH al concetto baudelairiano di spontaneità intesa come risultato intuitivo e rapido della conoscenza e dell’intelligenza. I pensieri di Baudelaire mostrano forti affinità con i dibattiti moderni prevedendo l’unione del potere associativo dell’immaginazione alla capacità di concepire qualcosa di nuovo sulla base di materiali accumulati e immagazzinati in memoria. Gli artisti sono mental time travellers; conferiscono valore all’immaginario e al possibile con il vero e il reale.
I lavori presenti in mostra provano a dare forma all’esaltazione dell’atto creativo e alla forza intrinsecamente impertinente di ogni singola opera. La scala diventa una metafora di ascesa e discesa del pensiero, ma il suo andamento ne sottolinea il senso non lineare dei moti dell’umano sentire. I corrimani sono reminiscenze di impalcature mentali che si muovono su piani temporali diversi e trasversali; uno slittamento tra passato, presente e futuro, noncurante della dimensione temporale né di una direzione lineare. I disegni e le sculture di corda zoomorfe introducono una dimensione animale che richiama le basi fondanti di una visione evoluzionistica globale e non solo della storia culturale della specie umana.
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