Anna Fiedlerová, Václav Girsa, Eva Koťátková, Jiří Kovanda, Dominik Lang, Anna Ročnová
a project by Dominik Lang
03.03.2022 – 22.04.2022
Exhibition views
Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (ground floor), photo by Giorgio Benni Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni Tremit ante arescit, 2022, installation view (basement), photo by Giorgio Benni
Anna Ročňová, Ice object, 2022,mixed media, cm 32 x 9 x 10 ca.
Anna Ročňová, Cytisus with Blue, 2022,mixed media, cm 72 x 17 x 12 ca.
Anna Ročňová, Untitled, 2022,mixed media, (alto) cm 62 x 12 x 10 ca. (basso) cm 75 x 37 x 37 ca.
Anna Ročňová, Thistle and sweatshirt, 2022,mixed media, (basso sx) cm 66 x 14 x 16 ca. (alto) cm 53 x 19 x 5 ca. (basso dx) cm 71 x 12 x 7 ca.Anna Ročňová, Pods, 2022,mixed media, cm (alto) 180 x 6 x 6 ca. (basso) cm 157 x 10 x 11 ca.
Anna Ročňová, Untitled, 2022,mixed media, cm 50 x 9 x 4 ca.
Anna Ročňová, Object with thorns, 2022,mixed media, cm 33 x 25 x 10 ca.Anna Ročňová, Wing, 2022,mixed media, cm 42 x 20 x 14 ca.
Václav Girsa, Turtle and The Old Oak, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 110 cmVáclav Girsa, Untitled, 2019, mixed media on canvas, 150 x 200 cm
Václav Girsa, Our Country, 2020, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40 cm
Anna Fiedlerová, Ball of wool, 2020, ink and pastel on paper, 90 x 60 cm
Anna Fiedlerová, Dog rose 2, 2020, ink and pastel on paper, 90 x 60 cm
Anna Fiedlerová, Roof, 2019, ink and pastel on paper, 90 x 60 cm
Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cmEva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm Eva Koťátková, Untitled, 2022, ink on paper, 29,4 x 20,5 cm
Dominik Lang, Vase, 2022, ceramic, variable dimensionDominik Lang, Open out, 2022, ceramic, variable dimension
Dominik Lang, Ears, 2022, ceramic, variable dimension
Dominik Lang, Nearly, 2022, ceramic, variable dimension
Dominik Lang, Grow 1, 2022, ceramic, variable dimension
Dominik Lang, Playpen, 2022, chalk and branches, variable dimension
Invited to exhibit for the third time in the spaces of The Gallery Apart, Dominik Lang assumes the role of an architect of exhibitions by conceiving a site-specific project for the gallery and bringing together artists spanning different generations who from Prague, the city where they are sharing their activity, have innervated and continue to liven up the international artistic scene.
The title Tremit ante arescit is inspired by the scientific language of botany to highlight the fragility of the natural processes that the exhibiting artists draw from the life experience in the open spaces to transpose them within the gallery spaces. These are processes that typically in nature escape attention due to their ephemeral and swift character, to the lack of attention towards nature and, unfortunately, in many cases because of a misinterpreted and overwhelming sense of human centrality that too often has led to consider nature a resource to be exploited rather than being respected and protected. Only recently, and we hope it is not too late, we have begun to realize that the indiscriminate and senseless exploitation of the planet will result in the cutting of that branch on which the humanity is perched.
Anna Fiedlerová, Václav Girsa, Eva Koťátková, Jiří Kovanda, Dominik Lang and Anna Ročňová interpret the exhibit and the exhibition spaces as a choir where the different voices are modulated and coordinated to pursue a homogenous result. Drawing on the natural world, the artists (three women and three men) present their works like the petals of a single flower, placing their personal sensitivity in harmony with the cyclical patterns of nature, modulating them according to the dichotomies found in nature, starting from the dichotomy that counterposes growth to wilting.
The staging of the exhibition conceived by Lang also contributes to interpreting it as an autonomous ecosystem, where the artworks are arranged so as to follow the architectural layout of the gallery on three floors: that is exactly what occurs when nature is not contaminated by the human constructions and spreads partly underground, partly on the earth, and partly over the earth.
In collaboration with Centro Ceco Rome.

Chiamato ad esporre per la terza volta negli spazi di The Gallery Apart, Dominik Lang decide di vestire i panni dell’architetto di mostre ideando un progetto site specific per la galleria e chiamando a farne parte artisti di differenti generazioni che da Praga, città in cui condividono la residenza, hanno innervato e continuano a vivacizzare la scena artistica internazionale.
Tremit ante arescit è il titolo declinato non a caso nella lingua scientifica della botanica per sottolineare la fragilità dei processi naturali che gli artisti in mostra traggono dall’esperienza di vita nei luoghi aperti per trasporli all’interno dello spazio della galleria. Sono processi che in natura di solito sfuggono all’attenzione dell’uomo, per il loro carattere effimero e veloce, per disattenzione ai temi della natura e in molti casi per un malinteso e purtroppo ormai soverchiante senso di centralità dell’uomo che ha troppo spesso portato a considerare la natura come una risorsa a disposizione, da sfruttare anziché rispettare. Solo da poco, e speriamo non troppo tardi, si è cominciato a comprendere che lo sfruttamento indiscriminato e insensato del pianeta corrisponde al taglio del ramo su cui l’umanità è seduta.
Anna Fiedlerová, Václav Girsa, Eva Koťátková, Jiří Kovanda, Dominik Lang e Anna Ročňová interpretano la mostra e i luoghi di esposizione come un coro dove le diverse voci sono modulate e coordinate per conseguire un risultato omogeneo. Ispirandosi al mondo naturale, gli artisti (tre donne e tre uomini) declinano i loro lavori come petali di un unico fiore, ponendo la loro sensibilità individuale in sintonia con la ciclicità della natura, modulandoli secondo dicotomie presenti in natura, a partire da quella che contrappone crescita e appassimento.
Anche l’allestimento ideato da Lang contribuisce alla lettura della mostra quale autonomo ecosistema, con la disposizione delle opere che segue l’andamento architettonico della galleria disposta su tre piani: esattamente come accade quando la natura non è contaminata dalle costruzioni dell’uomo e si dispone in parte sottoterra, In parte sulla terra e in parte al di sopra della terra.
In collaborazione con Centro Ceco Roma.

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